Natural Science and Technology
Bosch Grade 4
* Check your answers in Mrs Slater's classroom.
Week 2 challenge
This week we learnt about the 7 life processes that living things need in order to be ALIVE.
1. Breathing
2. Feeding
3. Excreting
4. Reproducing
5. Growing
6. Sensing
7. Moving
Check out these cool websites about each of the following life processes. See if you can tell which life process it links to. Do this at the back of your NST book. The heading is: Week 1 Challenge.
lesson topics & homework
Lesson 1: four conditions for growth
Lesson 2: cuttings vs seeds
Lesson 3: try challenge
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3: try challenge
Lesson 1: project _ study for test
Lesson 2: project + study for test
Lesson 3: study for test + try challenge
Week 3
living non-livingThis week we learnt to compare and things.
1. Identify each picture by linking it to the correct label from the labels below.
2. State whether the picture shows a living organism or something that is non-living.
Volcano Egg Yeast Cloud Watermelon
Leaf - tailed gecko
desert spider
sea horse
Horned owl
leaf toad
snow leopard
Baron caterpillar
Willow ptarmigan
Stick insect
Week 4
Wow! Animals are amazing! Each animal has a distinct structure to help it live and adapt the best way it can.
camouflage Some animals have the ability to themselves. Click on the links and see if you can find the animal in the picture. Once you have found the animal, try and name the type of animal it is from the list of animals.
e.g. A = Leaf-tailed gecko
Week 5 challenge
Over the last week, we have looked at the differences between animals.
Too CuteThe video's below are all from the series on Animal Planet. Watch a clip from each episode and answer the questions that follow.
1. Name the animals in each video. (A, B, C and D)
2. What do all these animals have in common?
3. Do all these animals have the same number of limbs?
4. How many limbs do they have?
5. What body covering does each animal have?
6. What sense would these animals use to find their food?
7. Which video did you like the best? Explain your answer in 2 sentences.
Check out the Photosynthesis song!
Check out these
cool sculptures
made out of
Week 6 challenge
This week we have learnt about the parts of a plant. Label the plants using the labels in the box. You can only use each label once.
Plumule Radicle Stem
Leaf Flower Fruit
Click on the animals to see more incredible endangered animals
The NST Test is coming up on the 9th of March! Hooray!!
Look at your WHAT TO LEARN page to
Week 7 challenge
This week we have been learning about the habitats of animals. We learnt that habitats are either natural (e.g. a shark lives in the sea) or man-made (e.g. fish in a fish tank). Now that you understand the work, here is your challenge...
1. Identify the habitats in which the animals on the left live with the answers on the right.
( Hint: click on the animal name to find out more information on the animal. )
2. State whether the habitats are natural or man-made.
We have dedicated this week to our animal poster projects. Click on the giraffe below to go to the research page for the project.
Please make sure you put a lot of effort into your poster. I do not want to mark them with expressions on my face...
Project week
Click on the "Table" button. Copy the table into your book or you can print out the table and stick it neatly into your book. Click on the numbers to look at the structures. Then tick the column in your table that applies to that structure. Hint: Look at the example on the table to guide and help you.
Week 9 challenge
This week started out TECHNOLOGY component of NST. We looked at structures, focussing on animal shelters. We learnt about two types of structures: frame structures and shell structures. We also learnt that structures can ne natural or human-made.
This is how human furniture has failed our cats and dogs...
Wild animals save other animals
Lion saves newborn impala from leopard
Week 10 challenge
This week we learnt about Architecture. We learnt how to properly sketch a Technical 2-D Drawing. We learnt what a bird's eye view was and how to properly illustrate doors and windows on a plan. Here is this week's challenge:
Find the following landmarks or features and state in which city we can find it.
E.g. A large park in the middle of the city = New York.
1. A castle
2. A waterfall
3. A famous mountain in the middle of the city.
4. A maze
5. A heart in the trees
6. Fields of flowers
7. A hot air balloon
8. A canal running through the city
9. Pyramids
10. A mini map of the world
Remember to write your answers at the back of your NST book. The Heading is: Week 9 Challenge.
Click to see pics of our Jelly Tot Structures
holiday challenge:
Click on the picture. Take a look at these Natural structures around the world. There are just two questions/tasks for this week's challenge.
1. If you could choose one place to go to from these pictures, where would it be and why? Discuss this with your family and get them to answer the question too.
2. Relax. Play outside. Drink lots of water. Help around the house. Keep healthy.